Sunday, February 26, 2012


This is my favorite pic I took while I was doing the June hunter daily quest. Sincetherewerenobossesaroundsoyeah

My internet loves trolling me. Especially these weeks. Even disconnecting me when I was raiding circus, and it happened like 4-5 times already \8D/
Alright. So, last night I decided to explore Lucifer Garden, my most favorite map for reference seeking purpose using my main lineup. No, I don't have amazing armors, so for sure I got OHKOed by several mobs inside. But hey there is no way one can tank 70++AR easily anyway~

So here goes my journey. /prepares some soul crystals

Okay. this is. definitely. One most beautiful place in game so far. I was OOOOOH the first time I saw this place. OH LOOK, CUTE DOGGIES THERE---*tried to pet*


okay. 70 AR is definitely not a good welcoming. But since I feel maso amazing, I will just continue running anyway~ nothing can stop me from exploring this amazing place. NOTHING.
oh yeah. I forgot, I had this quest too.

I'm a bit confused here, tho. Duke Felipe and Marquis Hernandez = same person? Dx I need to read the story more.
So, we continued to wander around, and....
And when I was wondering about the whereabout of the minibosses, suddenly I met one. Say hi.

ok this Sauterelle looks like a tokusatsu villain. Similar to that...phobitan general. Cute wings there, by the way....
I remember I saw some cockatrice---upgraded version---inside this room. The mama cockatrices were really angry. Angry birds. Dare touching their eggs, you'll die. /touched anyway

The little bridge at Secret Garden. Oh gawd. Too...gorgeous. /faints
Then I continued, until I finally....
REACHED HER PLACE. \8D/ Roseheart. Rose the Heart. Whoever. Pretty, no? I'm so gonna feature her later...for my secret mission. /whatever is this.
(I gave you hints in previous post already. Don't ask for more.)
But her alone is not enough, so well...more soul crystals and I advanced to another room. Since I need to visit...this girl.
Rose the Spirit. Or her kGE version, Summon Homunclrosea. Whatever that name means. I couldn't get nicer angle this time, thanks to her ohko. She's really cute. (not for the damage, tho) I would love to draw her. soon.
Okay. references collected. Time to get out from this beautiful yet deadly place. In total, I used like...20 soul crystals. Probably more. I FEEL SO HARDCORE. But before leaving, I took a pic first.
sitting like nothing happened like a boss

Thanks to this post, I decided to change the blog layout too. Hope this hurts pleases your eyes more ^0^
And oh. I was forced to create a faction, neutralist alliance, for me and some friends. The name is....GerarLorenFans. WHAT IS THIS NAME I DON'T EVEN....
We decided to form the faction as we will still stay as neutralist anyway, and we can join either Esmero or Souveran inside Alliance War. But heck. Recent Alliance Wars being very lame. Some people just don't care about their allies not getting points at all and prefer to finish the event as soon as possible. Oi. Stop being selfish, you people. Even I know some people complaining for not being able to enter AW because it ended too fast---like, only 30mins since it started. This is why I hate this kind of 'tyranny' in Bach and I refuse to be part of it.

Sooo this is the first pic of our small faction.
haithar, hansamu Gerar. 8D We finally managed to level up this faction to 52, but I refuse to make my chars wearing those stupid glowing swimming tubes so I just transferred the leader position to my mule. /wins

Now, random things. The epic random chat I recorded yesterday.
And lastly, lets end this stupid post of the day with most stupid screenshot I made last night.
nice timing.

-the end-

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm such a retard

for wasting my school hours again working on this. \8D/
I don't have much things to post now, just this stupid stuff I made.
ignore the worst coloring ever.

/I think I forgot sfx for second pic. but who cares

And as you told me, Oli, purple-red-white Lillie there (8'3c

btw, I just finished Daria and Natalie recruitment quests but...I probably only letting their cards rotting in inventory. Still not interested in training Romina-alike character. IDK why. I will probably make a post about them tomorrow. Maaaaaaaaybe.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Too Random to be Ignored

I'm just testing campus wi-fi connection. Yeah. Very unimportant random post, here we go. Don't waste your precious time reading these. shoo.

okay, since certain image host sites starting to delete my images, I kinda lazy to update my tumblr now and decide to throw more craps here.... /I'msuchaspammer
But wait. let's begin this with....pasta. some cannelloni and nachos from yesterday event. woyeah. I actually went for shopping. Rarely.


*u* Yes it tasted good

Okay. GE related thing---I have nothing interesting to post atm. Okay I have some, but I bring the files...with me. orz
Not much interesting things to do in game atm. Just daily castilla quest, June the hunter, pioneering merchant quests, circus (if I can still manage to join any circus raid. I hate my daily schedule now), blah and blah. yeah.
Just a little hint of what I'm working on at the moment : /cheatingstudiohoursatschool

Those fiery effects are really annoying. >8|

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Fighter is Awesome + TARGANDUDE

He refuses to do the usual same things most people did. So yeah

And I tried attacking something using his new unusual 'stance'. It was fun.

(yes that was comodo)
HE CUT HIS OWN !^#&*^&@
And lastly
He actually learned ballet.

Okay enough with the shits. I managed to draw some craps on a sheet of paper from my sketchbook....while I was bored as hell in the mid of class. AS USUAL.
Uncle Ralph with his 'come to me, baby' pose. And idk. Why Ralph, why you tend to look better in drawings than in game. But then again you're still awesome. NO MATTER WHAT MOST PEOPLE SAID ABOUT YOU.
Ignore that shota, btw. I don't even know why I drew him at first place.

Targan dude, or Lasell Tar or whoever...I drew this before the newest update about him announced and I went OHSHIT WHY DID HE BECOME ANOTHER WHITE HAIRED BISH AND WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS FACE after. T___T IMC y u did this. You did the same to Raven too. WHAIII but he looks awesome still. IMC, you are forgiven.

Oh well. I think I messed up with his anatomy but I still loved the result. I'm starting to treasure my boredom in class.

End of story for the day, I'm freaking sleepy. And oh. What I learned today : dentists know how to torture you using creepiest tools ever without giving you a single chance to struggle.


Monday, February 13, 2012


Today's Valentine's day. WHAT IS VALENTINE. Foreveralone people in the world, unite.

naaaahh~ I'm not into romance that much. Don't really care about valentine (except for GE ingame event that doesn't include cash shop items, perhaps) :B
So IDK what am I going to post this time. lolwait. I already wrote the title. Okay, I shall post some serious doodles I made in studio hours---when I was supposed to work my assignments. ASSignments. IDC~

ORIGINALLY I was planning to color these shits but meh. As if I have the chance to do so. ):U

All these doodles are about...uh...about what. I'm not sure. Perhaps teaser or concept art for some shits? Ahahaha 8D what did I mention. No you didn't read anything. You didn't.
Let's start with lollipops. I dunno, why lollipops. Because I had a dream about....lollipops. Go laugh at me but I never eat that huge round lollipop in my entire life.

This one is....Full armed Leonele. I think it would be stupid for a soldier for not having any weapon for close combat, so that explain the knives. Or I just wanted him to become a ninja.
Nooo it would be nice to see him fighting in close combats, no?
Don't ask for what purpose I sketched this. And sorry, no braid this time. :P

This one...idk again. I won't explain much 8D and yes that is Catherine if you're wondering. I don't really enjoy her in her kunoichi outfit so...a little bit reference from Belle de Jour but this one would be black in color. I think. Hey, I told you I'm lazy to color this.
And that knife, I can't believe I sketched it in a single try without much editing. And kinda like the result.

And Leo without tied or braided hair. 8D Okay I was just trying to draw his face looks...sick. or pale. LALALALA

Let's close this with dramatic scene. :| What? It's my hobby to make this kind of serious scenes.
Hereby the results of my boredom. I think some people knowing me can guess already what's all of this about. Or perhaps... This is the answer :x

(different scanner was used the moment I scanned this)

Ignore the last one. It's dumped sketch I won't use.
And I'm letting my Lorchie standing alone, staring at the farm manager in Ustiur while I was writing this. Why did I bring him inside farm anyway.

(Lastly, do not post the images elsewhere without my permission. Arts aren't something you can freely use or claim without any credit to the original artists)

Friday, February 10, 2012

That Fairy and The Farm

Ok. Here we go with the fairy tale again. This time, he is forced to work the farm alone. This fatty fairy needs some exercises anyway. Btw, prepare your eyes for stupid lazy linearts. I just have no time to color anything for now.
Since there is no guide released by IAH about how the farm works, so yah. We need to figure out by ourselves. ):|

Haven't explored mine that much myself, but well....I think I did some progresses.
The very first question I was thinking about when I entered my farm the first time was : WAIT HOW DO I PLANT SOMETHING. Then I found that NPC. Oh. I need to buy land first. What. Aren't I standing on one already. Well whatever, and since I just started I can only buy one spot to plant seeds.

Yeah, I plant seed on those...clover alike plants.
Since I'm not a hardcore type farmer to hunt all the cabbages and shits needed for Natalie quest, well... I decide to just plant some here. Usually. After all I only need 5-7 hours per seed to grow and ready to harvest.
That moment when you harvest your crops. oooooooohsopricelessss

Next, weeding. I kinda like doing this one. Yet I just don't understand how on earth you can get rafflesia leaves from weeds. But who cares....Removing weeds is amusing yet in the same time annoying.

But actually the weed looks...pretty. With the tiny white flowers it has.
Fishing. Sometimes I got vet gloves and boots from fishing.
Fighting wild animals. I had my pets died once thanks to them.
And so on.
That fairy, went busy. Don't worry. He gets paid for his hard work.
Oh gawd, whatever I posted here. Ignore this. I'm sleepy as hell and still have to solo minibosses in Secret Chaos Requiem. Or Sedecram in S2, I think.
Woooyah expert Veronif and Selva here we goooooooo~~~ =the rise of emo ladies=

/preparing for next post. Get ready for more craps, yo